Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another Saturday Another Sucessful Beltra Market!

It was all there today cakes, flowers, raspberry vinegar, soft cheese, hummus felafel's etc bread and cakes of every make shape and form in season veg to beat the band and of course the crafters.
Myself and others took turns to play checkout chicks and in spite of the fact we were on the tills we still managed to spent up a storm, all staying well within our budgets I might add !
Here is a few photos of the craft corner, my girls took them so they mainly feature my stuff but there is some work from other crafters visable ! duck eggs fresh from the farm, felted booties and wacky yet adorable felted hats ..... must get some better photos next week to showcase all the wonderful fresh produce and crafts on display, but these will have to suffice for now.


  1. Oh I'm so desperate to visit Ireland. The closest I've come is a desperate and horrendous layover in Dublin airport with a cranky little boy! :)

  2. I too am desperately wanting to visit Newcastle and spend some time with my sister there ! :) We will have to get our crafty thinking caps on to achieve our goals !
